Monday, 3 February 2020


Dear students,
This is a web quest you are going to work with. I hope you learn  a lot about Australia. After completing all the tasks you will prepare a presentation about the topic learnt. Enjoy!

 Australia is a great country with incredible culture. It is also where Isabella comes from. That is why we invite you to complete one or two of the following tasks, so you can learn about different aspects such as animals, sports, history... from this beautiful country.

You will have to choose one or two sets of questions and complete them  finding the information in the links provided.

1) Find a partner.
2) Talk about the topic you want to learn more.
3) Complete the questions.
4) Study and prepare the presentation you will do in front of the class.
5) Think of an original way to make your presentation  as for example: power point, lap book, set of images...

  1. Kangaroos
  • What is a kangaroo?                                                                 
  • Where do they live and what do they eat?
  • How does a Kangaroo spend its day?
  • How do kangaroos raise their babies?
  • What are the threats to kangaroos in the wild?
  • What is your favourite fact about kangaroos?

  1. Koalas
  • What is a Koala?                                                        
  • Where do they live and what do they eat?
  • How does a Koala spend its day?
  • How do they raise their babies?
  • What are the threats to koalas in the wild?
  • What is your favourite Koala fact? 

  1. Aboriginal people and Culture                                                  
  • Who are the aboriginal people?
  • How long have they lived in Australia?
  • How many languages and dialects do the aboriginal people have?
  • What is aboriginal art about?
  • What is one sacred aboriginal site?
  • Name and describe on aboriginal tool or instrument.

4. Great Barrier Reef 
    • What is a coral reef?                                        
    • How is a reef made?
    • How big is the Great Barrier Reef?
    • How many different animals and plant live there?
    • Name and describe 3 of the animals you can find in the reef.
    • Why is the reef in danger of dying out?
    • Tell us your favourite fact about the reef!
    • What is a snake?                                            
    • How many snake species does Australia have? 
    • Are Australian snakes dangerous?
    • Name and describe three of Australia’s most dangerous snakes.
    • What should you do if you see a snake?
    • What is your favourite fact about snakes?

6. Spiders                                                              
    • What is a spider?                                   
    • How many spider species does Australia have? 
    • Are Australian spiders dangerous?
    • Name and describe three of Australia’s most dangerous spiders.
    • What should you do if you see a spider?
    • What is your favourite fact about spiders?  

7. Tasmanian Devil
  • What is a Tasmanian devil?                   
  • Where do they live and what do they eat?
  • How does a Tasmanian devil spend its day?
  • How do they raise their babies?
  • What are the threats to Tasmanian Devils in the wild?
  • What is your favourite fact about Tasmanian Devils?






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